Often those at odds don’t lack the ability to compromise; but the perspective to see where the compromise exists.
Mediation helps to bridge that gap, and that’s why it’s so important to our community. Mediation allows individuals to hear and understand another perspective, in addition to expressing their own. During this process shared values can be discovered, which could open a doorway to a more meaningful resolution – one of which may not be achievable without mediation.
Having a neutral mediator offers an easier approach to these self-driven solutions, in a voluntary and confidential setting. A neutral also has no stake or interest in “either side”, or for any particular outcome. Their goal is to facilitate the conversation to move forward productively, but solely with the participants leading the way. I believe the most impactful resolutions are the ones that are self created. MARS mediation offers an equitable platform to find the commonality needed to create resolutions. This allows each participant a chance to be acknowledged and understood. MARS trains our staff to be fair by continually exploring our own perspectives – and checking them at the door. This is done through ongoing and consistent training on ethical practices, listening/reflecting skills, and peer reflection. This keeps our mediation process equitable, and encourages people to navigate their own conflict.
I have seen the strong impact that mediation can have, and how it can positively shape outcomes. At a recent session, parents who hadn’t spoken in months met to discuss a shared parenting schedule. As emotions and frustrations were expressed, they both learned information they hadn’t known or considered before. That shed more light on a matter that was previously misunderstood, and allowed them each to feel heard. It led to them taking a step in each other’s direction, and reaching an agreement both were content with. This resulted in a better outcome for the child, as well as some personal healing for the parents. Stories like this one make being a volunteer so special to me!
Simply put, mediation services are impactful and important. Although not always simple or resolvable; this service can help create a pathway to moving the conversation forward, by finding a middle ground. Ultimately, mediation takes a big step towards healing – and repairing harm in our community.