After six years of service to the MARS community, Carol Markham-Cousins, our Executive Director, is saying goodbye. Carol is stepping away from her position at MARS to focus on the next chapter of her life, which includes finishing her Ph.D., continuing to do restorative work in the community, and relaxing.
The MARS’ Board of Directors is extremely grateful for Carol’s passion for mediation and restorative work, as well as her service to MARS and the communities that MARS serves. The Board will miss Carol’s dedication to building relationships and empowering communities to repair harm and resolve conflicts.
The Board is making plans for staff, volunteers, community partners, and clients to celebrate Carol’s accomplishments and service to MARS. We will provide you with more details on this celebration as they arise.
Message from Carol
Dear MARS community,
I have made the decision to leave my position as the Executive Director of MARS as of March 2022. My plan is to finish my PhD dissertation, continue to be involved in restorative healing work in the metro community, and maybe ease off a bit after many years of intense work. This has taken me some time to decide to leave because I love my work and what MARS mission and vision mean for the greater community. Creating opportunities for people in our communities to have voice, solve problems and repair harm is the backbone of this work. I have had the honor of working alongside staff, volunteers, and community members to set up and support restorative mediations and trainings. These past 6 years have given me an opportunity for growth and challenge which I am extremely grateful. Together we have made some dramatic changes such as name and office change, increased staff salaries and offer health benefits, expanded our restorative work to include juvenile diversion and school contracts, and collaborated in development of a housing clinic in Anoka County courthouse. Community, shared parenting, and housing mediations continue and are increasing each year. My hope is that more and more residents and community members learn about MARS and use our services as both preventative and once a conflict occurs.
Thank you all for your support and your commitment to this extremely important work.