Why do you enjoy being a mediator?
For me becoming a mediator has been the fruition of a long quest for meaning in my professional life. I was searching for a way to help other people, while at the same time I learn, practice and further develop an array of interpersonal, communication, analytical and many other conflict resolution skills. Knowing that I have helped bring a measure of peace, however small or big, in someone else’s life is a wonderful feeling. In mediation we appeal to people’s better selves to be revealed and work towards an agreement or a solution to their dispute. Being instrumental to this process of creating or renewing a human connection between the parties is the most rewarding aspect of my work as a mediator.
What was the most inspiring thing that you’ve witnessed in a mediation?
While mediating in Harassment Court we often face cases where a common agreement may seem out of reach at first sight. Time and time again I have been reminded of the importance of optimism in mediation. Sometimes when all seems lost, an unexpected almost magical shift occurs, the enemy image shatters and the parties begin seeing each other as fellow human with shared needs and emotions.
Why should people consider mediation as a way forward from their conflict?
Some conflicts are simply not meant to be mediated, however when there is will there is certainly a way. The added value of mediation is not only that it enables conflict resolution tailored to the specific needs of each party, but it also allows for closure to be reached by both parties to the dispute, which is more than what other conflict resolution approaches can offer.